When You Need a Rep. Payee . . .

If you are disabled, homeless, drug or alcohol dependent, have physical or emotional limitations or simply have no one you can depend on . . . CCS is here to help younow that you have obtained your benefits.

As your Representative Payee, CCS will manage your SSI, SSDI or retirement check so your bills are paid on time as well as have some money for personal spending and we can do a whole lot more.

CCS will evaluate your needs to see if any of our additional services may help: 

Anyone can be a Rep. Payee . . . but not just anyone should be yours

SSA can appoint a relative, friend or other interested party to serve as your Representative Payee. Sometimes it may be difficult dealing with family and friends when it comes to managing your money. This is when an experienced Organizational Representative Payee can help you.

CCS is a Social Security approved nonprofit Organizational Representative Payee. We understand that your privacy and financial security are a top priority. Your check will be direct deposited into a secure bank account for your safe keeping.

Let Us Help You Manage Your Needs 

Our Rep. Payee monitoring system will manage your account so that your rent and other bills will be paid on time.  

Our case managers will set up a personalized and agreed upon budget, designed to meet your specific needs. Your monthly benefit amount never seems to be enough, but we will do the best we can to S-T-R-E-T-C-H the amount you receive.

For your convenience, CCS will set up a debit card for you. Your money that is budgeted for personal expenses will be added to the debit card, anywhere from once a month to twice a week, depending on what is best for you. This will allow you to purchase items at the grocery store, dine at restaurants, go to a movie and more. You will also be able to withdraw your funds from a local money machine.

Here is what CCS can do to manage your SSI, SSDI or retirement check: 

We will set up a monthly budget

Pay your rent and other monthly expenses
Budget money for personal items 
Budget money for food 
Budget money for your savings
Set up a debit card for day to day use
Money for personal spending may be given to you weekly or monthly on your debit card

Get started on a new and better way of managing your money.

Care Coordination Services
